Contact Hydrogen cluster Finland
The Cluster is composed of companies originating or operating in Finland – ranging from fresh startups to large international corporations. Here you can find contact details for the Hydrogen cluster Finland.
All the cluster member companies can be found here.
Hydrogen cluster Finland
Contact: Pia Salokoski
Title: Coordinator of HCF
E-mail: pia.salokoski(at)
Contact: Simo Säynevirta
Title: Chair of the Steering Group of HCF
E-mail: simo.saynevirta(at)
Working groups
WG1: Developing a competitive advantage – How will Finland differentiate?
Chair: Olli Sipilä, Gasgrid Finland (
WG2: R&D&I expertise and education
Chair: Rasmus Teir, Wärtsilä (
WG3: International cooperation and networks
Chair: Herkko Plit, P2X Solutions (
WG4: Operating environment and regulation
Chair: Marko Janhunen, Gasgrid (
WG5: Safety and security
Chair: Mikko Muoniovaara, Fortum (
WG6: Investment projects and hubs
Chair: Heidi Bergman, Neste (