Position Paper on RFNBO classification policy published
Hydrogen Cluster Finland would like to contribute to discussions on supporting the development of hydrogen economy, and therefore proposes definitions to be considered in the context of interinstitutional discussions on hydrogen regulatory framework.
Clean hydrogen holds a large potential in reaching the climate targets. So far hydrogen discussion in the EU regulatory framework has focused on setting the criteria (only) for RFNBO hydrogen. There is a need for expanding the regulatory outlook also for other types of clean hydrogen, such as non-fossil electrolytic hydrogen (H2 produced with electrolyser but which is not RFNBO-eligible) and hydrogen from pyrolysis and steam methane reforming using renewable/non-fossil energy.
In the document below, we propose new definitions for these types of hydrogen to give them an official status and thus, possibility to be incentivised to speed up the investments needed to achieve the EU’s ambitious hydrogen targets.
You can access the document here.
If there are any questions, please contact:
Marko Janhunen, UPM, Member of Steering Group of Hydrogen Cluster Finland, marko.janhunen@upm.com
Outi Ervasti, Neste, Chair of the Steering Group of Hydrogen Cluster Finland, outi.ervasti@neste.com
Pia Salokoski, CLIC Innovation, coordinator of the Hydrogen Cluster Finland, pia.salokoski@h2cluster.fi