Why Finland?

Finland is committed to become carbon neutral by 2035.

  • The Finnish Government’s 2035 carbon-neutrality target makes Finland the first industrialized country to set a common goal of becoming carbon neutral and right afterwards carbon negative.
  • Hydrogen is a huge opportunity for Finland. It could become a whole new pillar of the Finnish economy and an entire new export industry. The following strengths and advantages play a significant role:
    • High-tech, committed industrial players covering the entire value chain
    • Resource availability (clean electricity, water)
    • Extensive sector coupling opportunities offering competitive advantages
      • District heating, CHP, energy intensive industry, ICT-sector
    • Stable low-risk investment environment to attract private investments and funding in general
    • Already existing robust infrastructure
    • Collaboration culture (e.g. sector integration, public-private collaboration)

Read the next statement: How: Roadmap and recommendations