
Finnish Energy

Finnish Energy

Low-carbon roadmap for the energy sector: energy as a solution towards a carbon-neutral society

Finnish Energy has 275 members representing the Finnish energy industries. We represent companies that produce, procure, distribute and sell electricity, gas, district heat and district cooling and related services.

Our goal is a carbon-neutral Finland, a country with a Nordic climate where energy demand and energy production meet in a sustainable way. Finland’s road to a low-carbon future is based on clean energy, secure energy networks and a functioning energy market. Electricity, heat and gas networks and a flexible market and storage alternatives are the basis for the functioning of a new, clean energy system.

Finnish energy sector supports Finnish Government’s target to achieve carbon neutrality already in the 2030s. In 2019 Finnish energy sector committed to halve emissions from district heating and the related electricity production by year 2030. The updated development path shows that the target will be reached faster than expected and emissions will decrease more sharply than expected.  Gas and hydrogen plays a significant role in enabling an entire low -carbon energy system as part of the sector integration.

We process data to support advocacy and decision-making as well as carry out development and improve efficiency for the benefit our our members and their customers. We prepare up-to-date guidelines and recommendations, and provide information about issues having an impact on the energy sector in Finland, in the EU and on a global scale.

Finnish Energy is a member of Hydrogen Europe.


Pekka Salomaa
Director, Energy Market
+358 500 324 486


Twitter: @Energiateol